Adobe Premiere Pro Garbage Matte Premiere

  1. Garbage Matte In Adobe Premiere Pro Cc

Superimposing describes the processof overlaying and combining multiple images. Video clips are completelyopaque by default, but superimposing them requires transparency.When you make clips on upper video tracks transparent, they revealclips on the tracks below.

In Premiere Elements, you can quickly and easily makeentire clips transparent by using the Opacity effect. In addition,you can apply any combination of opacity, masks, mattes, and keying tomodify a file’s alpha channel, which defines the transparentareas in a clip. More advanced keying effects let you make specificcolors or shapes transparent.

Adobe Premiere Pro Garbage Matte PremierePro

I was needing a feather on an animated garbage matte and this got me going in the. Advanced Titler & Feathering a Track Matte as a Mask using Adobe Premiere Pro CS5.5.


Titles you create in Premiere Elements automaticallyinclude an alpha channel. You can also import files with predefinedtransparent areas. Applications such as Adobe After Effects, AdobePhotoshop, Adobe Photoshop Elements, and Adobe Illustrator® can save transparency. Not only will thefile have an alpha channel, but it will also conform to your projectsettings. See the respective user guides for information on savingfiles with transparency.

Premiere Elements uses the following transparencyterms:

A channelthat defines transparent areas for a clip. This invisible channelexists in addition to the visible Red, Blue, and Green (RGB) color channels.

A settingthat determines how opaque or transparent a clip is. (For example,75% opacity equals 25% transparency.)

Lowering opacity of upper video clip (left) reveals lowervideo clip (center), combining the two images (right)

Sometimes used as another word foralpha channel; also describes the process of modifying an alphachannel.

Separated Red, Green, and Blue color channels (left); thealpha channel or mask (center), and all channels viewed together (right)

A file orchannel that defines the transparent areas of a clip. The matte determinesthe level of transparency in the resulting image. In Premiere Elements, you use mattes in conjunctionwith the Track Matte Key.

Matte (left) defines transparent areas in upper clip (center),revealing lower clip (right)

Definingtransparent areas with a particular color (color key)or brightness value (luminance key). Pixels matchingthe key become transparent. Keying is commonly used to replace auniform background, such as a blue screen, with another image. (InTV, for example, blue screens behind weather reporters are replacedwith weather maps.) The Videomerge effect uses keying to automaticallydefine the primary background color as transparent.

A. Upper clip B. Blue ScreenKey effect defines transparent areas C. Lowerclip D. Combined clips

Bydefault, clips appear at full (100%) opacity, obscuring any clipson the tracks below. To reveal lower clips, simply specify an opacityvalue below 100%. At 0% opacity, a clip is completely transparent.If no clips are below a transparent clip, the movie’s black backgroundbecomes visible.

  1. Click the Applied Effects button to open the AppliedEffects panel.
  2. Select the clip you want to make transparent, and doone of the following:
    • In the Applied Effects panel, expand theOpacity effect and drag the Clip Opacity slider to the desired value.

    • In the Expert view timeline, choose Opacity >Opacity from the pop‑up menu just above the clip. (You may needto zoom in to see this menu.) Click the Selection tool, positionit over the clip’s Opacity graph, and when the pointer becomes adouble‑arrow icon, drag the Opacity graph up or down.

    Creating transparency in the Expert view timeline


    To fade a clip in or out over time, animate itsopacity. If you simply want to fade to black, click the Fade Inor Fade Out option in the Applied Effects panel. You can also createtransparency by using keying effects.

Tomake specific areas in a clip transparent, apply a keying effectbased on color, matte, or alpha channel. Pixels that match the specifiedkey become transparent.

(Videomerge, Blue Screen Key, Chroma Key, Green Screen Key,and Non Red Key) Add transparency wherever a particular color occursin a clip. For example, you can use color‑based keying effects toremove a background with a uniform color, such as a blue screen.

(Four‑, Eight‑, and Sixteen‑Point Garbage Matte Keys, andTrack Matte Key) Let you mask out areas of a clip with another clipor with areas you specify manually. You can add transparency accordingto the shape of a mask you position in the clip, or according tothe grayscale tones in a file that you use as a matte. You can alsouse the Track Matte Key effect to make creative composites.

The Alpha Adjust Key effect lets you invert or turn off aclip’s alpha channel or convert areas without transparency to amask.


For more information about keying out colors, see Help.

Toautomatically create transparency in the background of a clip, applythe Videomerge effect. This effect makes superimposing clips easy.

  1. In the Quick view timeline or the Expert viewtimeline, right-click/ctrl-click the clip you want to make transparent,and choose Apply Videomerge. (You can also choose Videomerge fromthe Effects panel.)

    The effect automatically detects the background color andremoves it, making underlying clips visible through the transparentareas.

  2. (Optional) Click the Applied Effects button to open theApplied Effects panel, and expand the effect name to view and editthe effect’s options.

    A. Foreground clip with colored background B. Backgroundautomatically made transparent with Videomerge effect C. Backgroundclip that will show through transparency D. Combinedclips


    OnMac OS, the Videomerge dialog is not displayed when you drag a clipwith a solid background. To apply Videomerge on Mac OS, drag theclip to the Monitor panel, and then select the Videomerge option.You can also apply Videomerge from the Effects panel.

Tocreate transparency wherever a specific color occurs in a clip,apply a color‑based keying effect. These effects are commonly usedto remove a colored background.

  1. In the Action bar, click Effects to display theEffects panel.
  2. Choose a Keying effect (or Chroma, Blue Screen, GreenScreen, or Non Red).
  3. Drag the effect to a clip in the Quick view timelineor the Expert view timeline.
  4. (Optional) Click the Applied Effects button to open theApplied Effects panel, and expand the effect name to view and editthe effect’s options.

    A. Upper clip B. Blue Screenautomatically makes the background transparent C. Lowerclip D. Combined clips

Create transparency with the TrackMatte Key effect

  1. If you haven’t already done so, addthe matte file to the project: Click Add Media and choose FilesAnd Folders. Navigate to the matte file, and click Open. The mattefile should preferably contain only a single shape (for example,a star or a flower).
  2. Add a background clip to a track in the Expert view timeline.
  3. Add the clip you want to superimpose over the backgroundclip to any track higher than the background clip. This is the cliprevealed by the track matte.
  4. On a third track, add the clip that serves as the matte.(To add a third track, drag the matte to an empty area in the Expertview timeline above the highest video track. A new track is automaticallycreated.)
  5. In the Effects panel, expand the Keying category folder,and drag the Track Matte Key effect to the superimposed clip (theclip above the background clip).
  6. Click the AppliedEffects button to open the Applied Effects panel.
  7. In the Applied Effects panel, expand the Track MatteKey.
  8. For Matte, choose the video track that contains the matte.
  9. Select Matte Alpha to composite using the values in the alphachannel of the track matte. Select Matte Luma to composite usingthe image’s luminance values instead.

    Inverts the values of the track matte.

    Tip: To retain the original colors in the superimposed clip, use a grayscale image for the matte. Any color in the matte removes the same level of color from the superimposed clip.

Adobe Premiere Pro Garbage Matte Premiere

Sometimes a color‑basedkeying effect properly removes a background, but undesired objectsstill appear, such as a microphone or cable. Use a garbage matte keyingeffect to mask out those objects. Garbage mattes work well for areasthat have clearly defined boundaries but no uniform color to key.Garbage mattes also work well to clean up unwanted artifacts thata color‑based keying effect left behind.

Unwanted background (left) is masked out by reshaping theFour‑Point Garbage Matte in the Monitor panel; then the Green ScreenKey effect is applied (center) to superimpose the boy over the underlyingtrack (right).

  1. In the Effects panel, expand the Keying category, anddrag a garbage matte effect to the clip.
  2. Click the Applied Effects button to open the AppliedEffects panel.
  3. In the Applied Effects panel, click the triangle nextto the effect’s name to expand it.


    The name of each garbage matte effect reflects thenumber of handles it provides: Four‑Point Garbage Matte, Eight‑PointGarbage Matte, and Sixteen‑Point Garbage Matte.

    • Click the effect name to display the garbagematte effect’s point handles in the Monitor panel, and drag thehandles.

    • Change the garbage matte effect’s values in theApplied Effects panel.

You can use the Interpret Footagecommand to change how Premiere Elements interpretsa clip’s alpha channel throughout a project.


Toignore or invert the alpha channel of only a single instance ofthe clip, apply the Alpha Adjust keying effect instead.

  1. Choose File > Interpret Footage, specifyAlpha Channel options as needed, and click OK.

    Ignores the alpha channel included with the clip.

    Reverses the light and dark areas of the alpha channel, which reverses the transparent and opaque areas of the clip.

    Tip: If you have difficulty identifying which parts of a clip are transparent, temporarily add a bright color matte on a track below the image you are keying. (See Create a colored matte for a background.)

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Garbage Matte In Adobe Premiere Pro Cc

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