Installing Ida Pro Linux

Run IDA Pro by Hex Rays disassembler in Docker containers.Ideal for automating, scaling and distributing the use of IDAPython scripts to perform large-scale reverse engineering tasks.

Our blog:


  • Machine with Docker installed. Install Docker
  • IDA Pro Linux version installation file (.run) and a valid license for running multiple instances. Get IDA Pro


Using IDA Free in Linux. IDA Pro is generally the de-facto standard for any malware analysts I. It looks like any XP SP3 install disk will allow you a 30 day.


  1. Clone docker-ida repository:

  2. Copy IDA Pro installation file to the repository's ida directory:

  3. Build IDA docker image:

    Note: It is recommended to push the built image to a private Docker Hub repository (Pushing a repository to Docker Hub). Otherwise you have to build the image on every machine

Installing Ida Pro Linux

Start an IDA Service Container

IDA service container receives remote IDA commands over HTTP and executes them. To start a container, run this command:

  • <host_shared> is a local directory on the host containing the files you want IDA to work with. Scripts, files to disassemble, etc.

    Note: If you use Docker Toolbox on Windows, you might experience some issues parsing paths. Use // in the beginning of the paths (see discussion on stackoverflow)

  • <host_port> is the port you tell the host you would like to use to connect to the specific docker container. (see Publish port)

  • <cores> is the number of IDA worker processes. This number should be up to 4 workers per core in the host. Default is 8.

  • <timeout> is the server timeout for each request. Default is 30.

Note: In order to run multiple containers on the same host, publish each container to a different host port


On The server:

  • Start two IDA containers as daemon:

On The client:

  1. Install ida_client Python library:

    On Windows:

    On Linux / Mac OS X:

    Note: pip version must be 8.1.1 or higher

  2. Send commands to the containers using the Python library:

Advanced Usage

  • Add additional python libraries to the repository's ida/requirements.txt before building the image.

    The Sark library is already installed for rapid IDAPython scripting.

  • For IDA 64 bit files:

  • You can use any of the IDA command line arguments (except for GUI-related switches)


If the script doesn't run correctly:

  • Examine the log files in the volume <host_shared>/logs/. Each container has a different log file named <container-name>-ida-service.log
  • Make sure the IDAPython script is Python 2.7 compatible, Python 3.x is not supported in IDAPython.
  • Make sure to add Python libraries to the requirements.txtbefore building the docker image. When requirements.txt changes, the docker image and containers can always be rebuilt.
  • Make sure the paths to the IDAPython scripts and files to disassemble in the send command are relative to the <host_shared> volume.


Ida Pro For Linux

  • Tested with IDA 6.9
  • You are required to read the IDA License Agreement prior to using this project.
  • More information on our blog post:

Immunity Debugger

Hi everyone,
Please, anyone knows how i can install IDA pro in Ubuntu? i am working with volatility freamwork forensic tools, and one of its tools need me to use ida
i was able to install ida in wine but that was not help. it has to be in ubuntu becasue once i but the directory of wine in tool, does not recognize it.
the tool need the idal
here is the description of the tools in Volatility freamwork
If you want to explore SSDT hooks installed by rootkits, use the ssdt_ex command. This will automatically detect which SSDT functions are hooked, extract the hooking kernel driver to disk, and generate an IDC file (IDA script) containing labels for the rootkit functions. Then, if you have idag.exe (Windows) or idal (Linux/OS X) in your $PATH, then it will create an IDB file from the extracted kernel driver and run the IDC script. The result is a pre-labeled IDB for you to explore and reverse engineer, after typing just one command in Volatility.